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Artist: Jana Shimonov

Artist: Jana Shimonov
Jana Shimonov, ISRAEL
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As an individual, balance and harmony are important to me. I try to reflect this in my art as well, by creating works that are unexpected in their combination of form and surface, and yet are balanced. My forms are simple and quite minimalist which enables me to generate excitement by combing them with rough textures and surface treatments.

Gas firings using carbon trap shino glazes give me the added capability of creating layers of interest and depth. Although I maintain the same quest for balance in my electrical firings, the elements of this work enable me to utilize bare textured clay combined with a soft palate of glazes.

Although my work is seemingly intuitive, it is actually evolved from the rigor of the sciences and my multicultural background.

The energy that is created by the combination of these elements throughout the various techniques that I use is the motivating factor for my pursuit of balance and harmony in each work. Beyond this, I am ultimately committed to the ongoing quest of combining function, aesthetics and beauty.

Born in Samarkand, lived in the United States and subsequently immigrated to Israel when I was 11. Though I hold an MS degree in Chemistry from New York University, I gradually changed interests and migrated to art, primarily to pottery. My background, living in Asia, North American and the Middle East has provided me with varied influences which have become apparent in my work.

2012 to present: "ARTISHOOK Ceramics Gallery", Co-founder of Ceramics Cooperative, Jaffa
2011-2012 "Gilda", Member of Ceramics Cooperative, Jerusalem.

1991-1997 Barr Labs, Pomona N.Y
1986-1989 Teaching Assistant at New York University, NYC.

2015 "Vase/Vessel, In the Past and Today", Kibutz Amir.
2014 "Vase/Vessel, In the Past and Today", Tel-Hai Symposium, Metula.
2008 to present Annual exhibition at Givat Haviva Arts Center
2014 MunGyeong Chasabal (Tea Bowls) Festival 2014, Korea
2013 "In the Spirit of Japan" Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv.
2013 Photography exhibition "Women", Jerusalem
2012 Photography exhibition "Women", Givat Haviva Arts Center
2012 "Hot Winter", Gan Shmuel Galiery, Gan Shmuel
2011 "Touching the Clay" Nirale Gallery
"Design Scene" Hankin Museum , Hollon
"The Five Elements”, Gallery on the Lake, Ra’anana.
Yunomi, Private collection of David Glick, Wilfred Museum, Hazorea

Ceramic Fairs
2015 to present Annual City-wide Art Fair (Karkur, Israel)

"Kad Vachomer" Ceramics Fair, Ra'anana;
Old Jaffa Ceramics Fair, Jaffa
"Kad Vachomer" Ceramics Fair, Ra'anana;
Touch of Clay", Kfar Vradim

"Design Scene" by Orly Robinson
(Represented in collection of designers in Israel)

Collection of Yunomi by David Glick
(Represented in collection of yunomi)

2006 to present - Ceramic Artists Association of Israel (CAAI)

Since 1998 Givat Haviva, Art Center
Since 2006 Master Classes organized by the Israeli Ceramic Association (Tel-Hai and Neot-Hakikar symposiums)
2011-2012 Photography - Givat Haviva Art center
2006-2007 Chinese Calligraphy and painting classes Tel-Aviv University
1986-1988 M.S in Photochemistry, School of Art @ Science, New York University, NYC.
1982-1985 B.A in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bar Ilan University, Israel

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