
Artist: Linda Christianson

Artist: Linda Christianson
Linda Christianson, MINNESOTA
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My daily practice begins with the making of four tea bowls or cups. While seemingly a simple form, the teabowl contains all the challenges I like: the pairing down of an essential lively form, comfortable feeling yet visually compelling, and a volume that suggests a specific liquid. Being put to the lip, the tea bowl is the most dauntingly personal pot one could make. It has the capacity to change one's daily life. In my household, the favorite tea bowls and cups never make it into the cupboard. Their life moves from dish drainer to hand to sink and back to drainer. The best ones always end up in the shard pile, for they are loved to death.

Having made pots now for about 30 years, I am surprised that it is still both hopeful and troublesome effort to make a decent pot. The parameters of pottery making require an acceptance of the confinement of utility. The qualities that I search for in my work at fairly straight forward. I am interested in a pot that does its duty well yet can stand on its own as a visual object. These pots are not sculpture, and they are not art. They seem to act more like engaging tools than anything else.

Born: Rice Lake, Wisconsin, 1952

Occupation: Studio Potter and Pottery Instructor

1970-1974 Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota; B.A. Studio Art
1974-1975 Hamline University Graduate Apprenticeship Program
1975-1977 Ceramic Studio Workshop Program, Banff Centre School for Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

“International Woodfired Tableware”, Artifakt Gallery, Deloraine, Tasmania, Australia

“The Language of American Pottery”, Bunnell Street Arts Center, Homer, Alaska

“Five McKnight Artists”, Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Yunomi Invitational”, Akar Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa

“Guess Whoʼs Coming to Dinner – Plates and Platters”, Clay Art Center, Port Chester, New York

“Cups and Coffee”, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Faculty Exhibit”, Shakerag Studio Workshop, Sewanee, Tennessee

“From Minnesota to Cape Cod”, Truro Center for the Arts, Truro, Massachusetts

“Minnesota Nice”, Lill Street Art Center, Chicago, Illinois

“Table Manners”, Lark and Key Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina

“La Borne, Lʼamour du feu” Centre Cermique Contemporaine, LaBorne, France

“Funktional”, Leach Pottery, St Ives, Cornwall, England”

“Sure Things: Made in Clay”, Duane Reed Gallery, St. Louis,Missouri

“Gifts from the Hand”,Lux Center for the Arts, Lincoln, Nebraska

“Ceramics Then/Now”, Minnesota Museum of American Art, Henry Drake Gallery, SPA
and Summit School, St. Paul, Minnesota

“Burnt”, Anthony Schaller Gallery, Red Lodge, Montana

“La Mesa”, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Cups”, Lawrence Art Center, Lawrence, Kansas

“Dining In”, 18 Hands, Dallas, Texas

“Woodfired Ceramics 5 x 5”, Akar Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa

“American Masters Biennial”, Mudfire Gallery, Decatur, Georgia

“La Mesa”, Santa Fe Clay, Philadelphia Marriot, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Letʼs Table This: An Exhibition of Tabletop Vessels from AMOCAʼs Permanent Collection, The American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, California

“1895 Years of Pottery”, B Square Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Yunomi Invitational”, Akar Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa

“Linda Christianson - Woodfired Pots”, 18 Hands Gallery, Houston, Texas

“Tablewares: An International Collection”, Rex Irwin Gallery, Sydney, Australia

“Buckets and Baskets”, Red Lodge Clay Center, Red Lodge, Montana

“Cups”, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Imprints”, Mesa Contemporary Arts Center, Mesa Arizona

“20 Below-32 Above”. Moorhead State University, Moorhead, Minnesota

“Yunomi Invitational”, Akar, Iowa City, Iowa

“Minnesota Traditions: Potters of the Upper St Croix River”, Roswell Art Center, West Roswell, Georgia

“La Mesa”, Wyndham Phoenix Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona

“Potters as Sculptors/Sculptors as Potters”, Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona

“Deep Roots”. The Center for Contemporary Arts. Abilene, Texas

“Ahead of the Need”, Schaller Gallery, Red Lodge, Montana

“Art of Tea” Visarts, Montgomery, Maryland

“Perpetual Clay Invitational”, Anoka Ramsey Community College, Anoka, Minnesota

“2009 Minnesota Women Ceramic Artists”, Northrup King Gallery, Minneapolis,

“Seward Park Invitational”, David Smith and Company, Seattle, Washington

“Pouring Pots”, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Linda Christianson - Working Potter, Bemidji Community Art Center, Bemidji, Minnesota

“Linda Christianson and Michael Connelly: New Work”, Akar, Iowa City, Iowa

“Linda Christianson and Charles Jahn”, Trax Ceramic Gallery, Berkely, California

“American Studio Ceramics”, Ball State University Museum of Art, Muncie, Indiana

“Studio Pottery 21st Century Voices”, Lacoste Gallery, Concord, Massachusetts

“Ahead of the Need”, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Fort Wayne, Indiana

“Masks: Old and New”, Edwardsville Art Center, Edwardsville, Illinois

“Yunomi Invitational”, Akar, Iowa City, Iowa

“A Letter from Warren”, 18 Hands Gallery, Houston, Texas

“Simple Cups”, Kobo Gallery, Seattle, Washington

“Dinnerware 2008”, Lill Street Art Center, Chicago, Illinois

“PotPOURri: Pots that POUR”, Clay Art Center, Port Chester, New York

“Women with Wood”, Heinz History Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"Minnesota Women Potters”, The Grand Hand, St. Paul, Minnesota

“La Mesa”, Westin Convention Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Womenʼs Voices: Different Approaches to Atmospheric Kilns”, Roswell Art Center, Roswell, Georgia

“Table of Elements”, Manchester Craftsmenʼs Guild, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Summer Workshop Faculty 2008”, Appalachian Center for Craft, Smithville,Tennessee

“Teapots”, Cedar Creek Gallery, Creedmore, North Carolina

“Sip, Slurp, Gulp”, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“Itʼs Pouring”, Dow Studio, Deer Isle, Maine

“Southern Exposure: Atmospheric Pots and the Penland Connection”, The Rye Arts Center, Rye, New York

“The Artful Tabletop”, Lyndhurst, Tarrytown, New York

“Transformations: 6 x 6”, Clay Art Center, Port Chester, New York

“Utilitarian Clay V”, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

“Consider the Cup”, The Artisanʼs Gallery, Northampton, Massachusetts

“2008 Minnesota Women Ceramic Artists”, Northfield Arts Guild, Northfield, Minnesota

"Linda Christianson", Red Lodge Clay Center, Red Lodge, Montana

“Linda Christianson”, Red Star Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri

“Simple Cups” Kobo Gallery, Seattle, Washington

“Longevity: 12 Careers in Ceramics”, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Fort Wayne, Indiana

“90* Teapots”, Xen Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri

“Warren MacKenzie and Midwest Potters”, Gallery Gen, New York, New York

“Hand Held Drinking Vessels”, Main Street Art Gallery, Edwardsville, Illinois

“For the Table”, Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexido

“Intimate Vessels: Cups, Tumblers, and Teabowls”, Jenison-Meacham Art Center, Belmond, Iowa

“Cups”, Dowstudio, Deer Isle, Maine

"Tea" Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Yunomi Invitational", AKAR, Iowa City, Iowa

"Cups Coming Together: Clay Art Center Celebrates 50 Years", Clay Art Center, Port Chester, New York

"Pots With Purpose", Lacoste Gallery, Concord, Massachusetts

"20th Anniversary Ceramic Retrospective", Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"The Potters Tea Party", Red Star Studios Ceramics Center, Kansas City, Missouri

"Living Dishes: A New Generation of Functional Pots", curated at Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, Maryland

"36th Annual Ceramics Exhibition", Crossman Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin

"La Mesa", Santa Fe Clay, Portland , Oregon

"Kissed by Ash", Watkins Gallery, Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota

"Woodfire", Lawrence Gallery, Portland, Oregon

"Tea Time: The Art of the Teapot". Kalamazoo Institue of Arts, Kalamazoo, Michigan

"The Dinner Party Eclectic", Red Star Studios Ceramic Center, Kansas City, Missouri

"Engaging the Senses: From Cuppa to Ceremony", White Lotus Gallery, Eugene, Oregon

"The Elegant Table", Peters Valley Craft Center, Layton, New Jersey

"Woodfired Pots: Three Minnesota Potters", The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia

"At Your Service", Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Perspectives", Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation, Watkinsville, Georgia

"Teapots", Lux Center for the Arts, Lincoln, Nebraska

"Our Cups Runneth Over", The Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, Massachusetts

"Pots With Purpose", LaCoste Gallery, Concord, Massachusetts

"Ceramics Retrospective", Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"Diverse Domain - Contemporary North American Ceramics", Taipei County YingKo Ceramics Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

"Pots: Objects of Virtue". Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, California

"Pots in the Kitchen", Keramiekcentrum Tiendschuur, Tegelen, The Netherlands

"Cup in Hand", Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan

"Bowled Over", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Poetry of Pottery", Maryland Federation of Art Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland

"Five plus Five", Earth and Fire, Vienna, Virginia

"Michigan Mud Presenters Exhibit", Albion College, Albion, Michigan

"La Mesa 2005", Santa Fe Clay, Wyndham Baltimore Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland

"Summer Faculty Show", Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

"Cups, Cups, Cups", Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

"30 x 5", AKAR, Iowa City, Iowa

"The Simple Cup", KOBO Gallery, Seattle, Washington

"The Flowers that Bloom in the Spring", Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexiico

"Linda Christianson - Utility Pots", Clay Art Center, Port Chester, New York

"Linda Christianson", The Signature Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia

"Linda Christianson and Jan Johnston - Sculptural Utility", LaCoste Gallery, Concord, Massachusetts

"Pots in the Kitchen", Galerie du Don, Montsalvy, France

"The Naked Truth Woodfire Invitational", Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

"Pitcher This", Artworks Gallery, Bozeman, Montana

"Small Treasures", Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

"Duets", Kentucky Museum of Arts and Design, Louisville, Kentucky

"Faculty Exhibition" Canton Clay Works, Canton, Connecticut

"Teapots", Gallery WDO, Charlotte, North Carolina

"Canadian Clay Symposium Presenters", Gallery of BC Ceramics, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

"For the Table", Santa Fe Clay , Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Teabowl 2004", The Potter's House, Indianapolis, Indiana

"Pots in the Kitchen", Rufford Craft Centre, Nottinghamshire, England

"21st Century Ceramics in the United States and Canada", Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, Ohio

"Linda Christianson", Doug Peck Gallery, Cranston, Rhode Island

"Delectable: Exceptional Functional Ceramics", Brookfield Craft Center, Brookfield, Connecticut

"A Fetish for Surface", University Place Art Center, Lincoln, Nebraska

"Minnesota Utility", Red Star Studio, Kansas City, Missouri

"Container - Content / A Survey of American Studio Ceramic Art", The Fuller Museum of Art, Brocton, Massachusetts

"Table for Two/Tea for Two", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Women in Clay: Pots for Daily Use", Odyssey Gallery, Asheville, North Carolina

"Pots in the Kitchen", Gallery of British Columbia Ceramics, Vancouver, British Columbia

"Dinner is Served", Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, Massachusetts

"Cup and Saucer", Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon

"Merging Methods: Science and the Artist's Process", University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Women Playing With Fire", Texas Women's University, Denton, Texas

"Snowbirds", Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Tea for Two or Twenty", Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Just Bowls", Artworks Gallery, Bozeman, Montana

"Winterfest 2003", Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, Maryland

"Holiday Exhibition", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Made in Clay", Greenwich House Pottery, New York, New York

"New York Tea Party", Dai Ichi Gallery, New York, New York

"Christianson, Jeck, and Winn: Investigations in Clay", Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut

"Centering: Clay and the Midwest", Freehand, Los Angeles, California

"Mastery In Clay: New Work", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA

"Pots Presented", Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, Maryland

"Functional Connections", Lacoste Gallery, Concord, Massachusetts

"Stoneware: For Daily Rituals", Red Star Studios, Kansas City, Missouri

"Functional Ceramics 2002", The Wayne Center for the Arts, Wooster, Ohio

"National Teapot Show V", Cedar Creek Gallery, Creedmoor, NC

"Functional Pottery Invitational", Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, NM

"Pour It", Artworks Gallery, Bozeman, MT

"Penland Instructors Exhibit", Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC

"Plates and Platters", Odyssey Gallery, Asheville, NC

"North American Dish Makers", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, New Bedroed, MA, Greenwich House Pottery, New York , New York, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT, Clay Arts Center, Port Chester, NY, Rhode Island School of Art and Design, Providence, RI, and Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, MA

"Anagama: An Exhibition of Wood Fired Ceramics", Peck Gallery, Providence, RI

"Made in Clay", Greenwich House Pottery, New York, New York

"Linda Christianson", Contemporary Ceramics, London, England

"Salt & Ash", Sante Fe Clay, Sante Fe, New Mexico

"Mug Shots 2001", Artworks Gallery, Bozeman, Montana

"Clay/Wood/Fire/Salt", Folk Art Center,Asheville North Carolina, and Ohio Craft Museum, Columbus, Ohio

"The Art & Influences of Sumio Seo", Odyssey Gallery, Asheville, North Carolina

"Wood-Fired: An American Iconography", Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan

"Plate and Platter Invitational , 2001", Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

"Strictly Functional Pottery National", Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

"25 Select 25", Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

"2001 Visiting Artists", Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

"Mug Roundup", Cedar Creek Gallery, Creedmore, North Carolina

"National Summer Faculty Invitational", Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

"Teapot Invitational", Ryan and Maclean, Helena, Montana

"Regional Ceramics Invitational", Peninsula Art School, Fish Creek, Wisconsin

"Faces of Fire", Vermont Clay Studio, Waterbury Center, Vermont

"Carleton College Faculty Exhibition", Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

"McLauffman Vessel Exhibit", St. Croix Art Barn, Osceola, Wisconsin

"Ceramics Invitational", Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Made in Clay", Greenwich House Pottery, New York, New York

"Earthy Treasures", Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, Michigan

"Annual Holiday Show", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Beautiful Use", Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland

"Kiss of Fire", Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon

"Building a Collection: Ceramics at the Weisman Art Museum", Weisman Art Museum,
Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Pots for Daily Life", Show of Hands, Denver, Colorado

"Plates and Platters: Salon Style", Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, Michigan

"Twenty Stokers", Blue Heron Gallery, Deer Isle, Maine

"Choices", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Woodfired Ceramics", The Signature Shop and Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia

"Cup Exhibition", Gallery 1021: Lill Street, Chicago, Illinois

"Vessel Perspective", MacRostie Art Center, Grand Rapids, Minnesota

"That Was Then, This is Now: A 35th Anniversary Retrospective", Craft Alliance, St.
Louis, Missouri

"Twelve Potters, Contemporary American Pottery", Troyer Gallery, Washington, D.C.

"10th Anniversary Exhibition", Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Cups, Cupboards, and Cabinets", The Signature Shop and Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia

"Wood Fired 2000", Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

"Clay at 2000", Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

"Natural Materials: Functional and Sculptural Wood Fired Ceramics", Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan

"Couplets: Duality in Clay", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Splendid Servers", Society for Contemporary Crafts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"Utilitarian Clay III: Celebrate the Object", Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

"Annual Holiday Show", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Winterfest 2000", Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, Maryland

"Bistro 1615", Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Linda Christianson : Life and Use", Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"American Masters - Artists from the Santa Fe Clay Workshop

"Program 1994-1999", Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

"Pottery for Pleasure and Use", Ellipse Arts Center, Arlington, Virginia

"Freedom of Fire: A National Ceramics Invitational", Brevard College, Brevard, North Carolina

"The Art of Pouring", The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"National Teapot Invitational". KOBO Gallery, Seattle, Washington

"National Summer Faculty Invitational", Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg,

"Wood, Salt, Soda: Atmospheric Fired Ceramics", Odyssey Gallery, Asheville, North Carolina

"Different Stokes", University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Iowa

"Konshantverks Ting 98", Ransater, Sweden

"Linda Christianson, Silvie Granatelli, and Eric Jensen", Gallery 1021,Lill Street, Chicago, Illinois

"1998 Western World Invitational", Nikko, Japan

"Women in the Weisman Collection: The Spirit of Seneca Falls", Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"McKnight Foundation Fellowship Ceramic Artists", Northern Clay Center,Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Teapot Invitational", Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

"Ceramic Invitational", University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin

"Women Clayworkers", Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

"Woodfired Pottery", Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan

"Vessels that Pour", Gallery 1021,Lill Street , Chicago, Illinois

"Introductions: Teapots and Other Forms", Ferrin Gallery, Northampton, Massachusetts

"Put a Lid on It", Appalachian Center for the Arts, Smithville, Tennessee; and Belmont
University, Nashville, Tennessee

"Winterfest Holiday Exhibit", Baltimore Clay Works, Baltimore, Maryland

"Woodfired Pottery", Ferrin Gallery, Northampton, Massachusetts

"Minnesota State Community College Presenters Exhibit", Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota

"Linda Christianson, Pottery for Use and Pleasure ", Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis,

"Women Potters", Gallery Sato, Tokyo, Japan

"18 American Potters", Gallery Moebi, Mashiko, Japan

"Functional Work: American Potters", Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities,Arvada, Colorado

"Anything that Pours", Appalachian Center for the Arts, Smithville, Tennessee

"The Flourishing Tradition", Mount Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon

"Clay Invitational", The Wetsman Collection, Birmingham, Michigan

"Clay/Wood/Fire/Salt", Contemporary Artifacts Gallery, Berea, Kentucky

"Three Potters", Gallery Shun,Tokyo, Japan

"Scripps 52nd Ceramics Annual Exhibition", Scripps College, Claremont, California

"Independent Makers:Ten Ceramic Artists", Ohio State University, Athens, Ohio

"Woodfired Pottery", Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, Virginia

"3rd Oregon Clay Invitational", Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon

"Teapots", Art Resources Gallery, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Fourth Annual Teapot Invitational", Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

"New Traditions", Worcester Center for the Arts, Worcester, Massachusetts

"Women in Clay", Rochester Art Center, Rochester, Minnesota

"Utilitarian Clay: An Invitational & Presenter's Exhibition, Arrowmont School of Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

"Functional Clay 1996", Shoestring Gallery, Rochester, New York

"National Spring Faculty Exhibition", Arrowmont School for Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

"Frog Hollow Connections", Vermont State CraftCenter, Manchester, Vermont

"Clay/Wood/Fire/Salt", Contemporary Artifacts Gallery, Berea, Kentucky

"Bridge IV", The Society for Contemporary Crafts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"50th Birthday Exhibition", Rochester Arts Center, Rochester, Minnesota

"Form + Function", Baltimore Clay Works, Baltimore, Maryland

"Fletcher Challenge", Auckland Museum, Auckland, New Zealand

"National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Clay National Traveling

"Exhibition", Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, Minnesota; McDonough
Museum of Art, Youngstown, Ohio; Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, Virginia; Barton County Community College, Great Bent, Kansas; Roswell Museum, Roswell, New Mexico; Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas; University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie, Wyoming; Tyler Art Gallery, State University of New York, Oswego, New York; Perspective Gallery, Virginia Polytech Institution, Blacksburg, Virginia; Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, Alabama

"Teapot Invitational", Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

"Coffee and Teapot Invitational", Gallery 1021, Lill Street, Chicago, Illinois

"Functional Pot", Raymond Avenue Gallery, St. Paul, Minnesota

"From Hand to Mouth: An Exhibition of Ceramic Cups and Mugs", Araiana Gallery, Royal
Oak, Michigan

"Northern Stars: Women Potters from Canada and Minnesota", College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Teapot Invitational", Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

"Visiting Artists", Edina Art Center, Edina, Minnesota

"Confluence", Continental Clay Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"The Vase: A Container for Flowers", Araiana Gallery, Royal Oak, Michigan

"Hamline University Ceramics", Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Salt Glaze Ceramics", University of North Carolina, Charlotte, North Carolina

"Five Functional Potters", Kramer Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"20th Anniversary Show", Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

"Studio Days", Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

"Steeped in Tradition: The Contemporary Teapot", Ariana Gallery, Royal Oak, Michigan

"Altered Traditions:Contemporary Clay Vessels", Middle Tennessee State University,
Murfressboro, Tennessee

"Function", Jane Harsook Gallery, New York, New York

"Warren MacKenzie, His Sphere of Influence", Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois

"Studio Days", Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

"Under the Influence of Women', Northern Clay Center, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Functional Ceramics", University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin

"Ceramic and Fiber: A New Generation", Wustum Museum, Racine Wisconsin;Katie Gingrass Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

"Cambridge Invitational", Montage Gallery, Cambridge, Wisconsin

"Boxes: Artists respond to the object", University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

"Linda Christianson", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Ceramica Venezolana", The Clay Place, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"Woodswork, An exhibition of environmental art", The Phipps Center for the Arts, Hudson, Wisconsin

"Holidays Show", Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts, Fridley, Minnesota

"Studio Days", Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

"Bluffton College Ceramic Invitational", Bluffton College, Bluffton, Ohio

"Daily Rituals", Pottery Northwest, Seattle, Washington

"National Teapot Invitational", Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

"The American Hand: Fifty Years of Crafts", Minnesota Museum of American Art, St.
Paul, Minnesota

"Functional Ceramics 1993", Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio

"Linda Christianson", Raymond Avenue Gallery, St. Paul, Minnesota

"The Expressive Teapot", Swidler Gallery, Royal Oak, Michigan

"Midwest Potters", The Works Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Teapot Invitational", Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana

"For the Tabletop", Wheeler Seidel Gallery, New York, New York

"Cain Park Arts Festival Exhibition", Cleveland Heights Ohio

"10 Artists /10 Statements", The Farrell Collection, Washington, DC.

"Ice Fishing House of the Great North", Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Minnesota Blues", Northern Clay Center, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Teapots: Contemporary Views", Pro - Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"The Functional Potter: Two Generations", Nancy Margolis Galleries, Portland Maine and
New York, New York

"Pottery to Serve Life for Pleasure and Use Combined", Montgomery College, Tacoma Park, Maryland

"100 Cups", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"American Woodfire 91", The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Iowa

"Close to the Bone: Contemporary Responses to the Imagery of the Day of the Dead",
Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Artist Invite Artists", Elements, Brunswick, Maine

"The Tea Party", American Craft Museum, New York, New York

"Sphere of Influence", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Eight McKnight Artists", Minneapolis College of Art, Minneapolis, Minnesota; The Tweed Museum, Duluth, Minnesota; St. Mary's college Gallery, Winona, Minnesota

"Teapots: Contemporary Views 91", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri; Arapaho Community College, Colorado Gallery of the Arts, Littleton, Colorado; Emison Gallery, De Pauw University, Greencastle, Indiana; Rathbone Gallery, Sage Jr. College, Albany, New York; Octagon Center for the Arts, Ames, Iowa

"Linda Christianson", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"From Form to Fancy: Contemporary Teapots", Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"International Ceramics Festival", Mino, Japan

"Pairings in Clay", Macalester College Gallery, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Metal, Fiber, and Clay", Javier Puig Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Intentionally Regional", Northern Clay Center, St. Paul, Minnesota

"DePauw University Plate Invitational", Emison Gallery, De Pauw University, Greencastle, Indiana;Wustum Museum, Racine, Wisconsin; University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois

"Clay 1990", Rochester Art Center, Rochester, Minnesota

"Woodfire 10", Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

"Plate Invitational", Pro-Art, St. Louis,Missouri

"St. Olaf Ceramic Invitational", St. Olaf College Gallery, Northfield, Minnesota

"Mask Hysteria", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Beyond Craft", Visual Art Museum, New York, New York

"Plate Invitational", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Teapots", Lee Sclar Gallery, Morristown, New Jersey

"Linda Christianson: Wood/Fire/Salt", Raymond Avenue Gallery, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Linda Christianson", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Coffee, Teapots", Lee Sclar Gallery, Morristown, New Jersey

"Midwest Clay Workers", University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa

"Ewer, Pitcher, Jug", Martha Schneider Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

"The Best of Minnesota", Marcus Bloom Gallery, New Rochelle, New York

"Minnesota Potters", Silvermine Gallery, New Canaan, Connecticut

"S.I.U.E. Clay National", Southern Illinois University , Edwardsville, Illinois

"Minnesota Potters", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Linda Christianson", Asociación Venezolana de las Artes Fuego, Caracas, Venezuela

"Clay and Fiber: Warren MacKenzie Selects", Concept Art Gallery & Clay Place Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"Contemporary Crafts", International Design Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Linda Christianson", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Linda Christianson and Christy Wert", Austin College Gallery, Sherman, Texas

"Tabletop '86", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Fresh Clay", Katherine Nash Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Salt in the City", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Week Show of Pour Pots", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"International New Art Forms Exposition", Pro-Art, Chicago, Illinois

"Woodfired Ceramics", St. Louis Community College at Meremac, St. Louis, Missouri

"Minnesota Connection", The Craftsmen's Gallery, Scarsdale, New York

"Utility Plus", Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Clay Everyday Plus Sunday", John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

"Minnesota Women", Women's Art Registry of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Linda Christianson", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"The American Coffee Cup", Rochester Art Center,Rochester, Minnesota

"Minnesota Ceramics", North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, North Dakota

"Functional Ceramics", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Clay and Paper", Octagon Art Center, Ames, Iowa

"Functional Ceramics 1984", Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio

"Teabowl", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Ceramics Invitational", North Hennepin Community College, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"North American Utilitarian Ceramics", Asociacion Venezolana de las Artes Fuego,
Caracas, Venezuela

"Holiday Show", Pro-Art, St. Louis, Missouri

"Woodfiring in America", The Craftsmen's Gallery, Scarsdale, New York

"Warren MacKenzie and Mingei-sota", Kansas City, Missouri

"Cups and Saucers", By Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Mingei-Sota", The Hand and Spirit Crafts Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona

"Images '83", traveled East Central Minnesota

"The Minnesota Connection", Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

"Minnesota Ceramics Invitational", St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota and
Rourke Gallery, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota

"Spouting Ideas", John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

"Minnesota Pottery", Asociación Venezolana de las Artes Fuego, Caracas, Venezuela

"Three from Minnesota", Duluth Art Institute, Duluth, Minnesota

"Minnesota Pottery: A Potter's View", University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Utilitarian Clay Works", Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Foot in the Door", Minneapolis Art Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Southwest State University Ceramics", Southwest State University, Marshall, Minnesota

"National Ceramics Exhibition Canada", Glenboe Museum, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

"Mountain Visions", traveled Canada

"Canada Ceramics Exhibition", Prague, Czechoslovakia

"Rundle Reduction", Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

"Ceramics", Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

"Linda Christianson and William Cole", Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota

Instructor, Truro Center for the Arts, Truro, Massachusetts

Instructor, Shakerag Workshops, Sewannee, Tennessee

Instructor,Bethel Horizons Art Venture, Dodgeville, Wisconsin

Instructor, Sierra Nevada College, Lake Tahoe, Nevada

Instructor, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine

Instructor, Appalachian Center for Craft

Instructor, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts

Dayton-Hudson Distinguished Visiting Teacher/Artist, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

Koopman Distinguished Chair in Ceramics, Hartford Art School, University of Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut Dayton-Hudson Distinguished Visiting Teacher/Artist, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

Instructor, Penland School of Crafts, Penland, North Carolina

Dayton-Hudson Distinguished Visiting Teacher/Artist, Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

Instructor, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Instructor, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Instructor, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

Instructor, Peter's Valley School of Crafts, Layton, New Jersey

Lecturer, Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, Minnesota

Instructor,Santa Fe Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Instructor, Tozan Cultural Society, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Lecturer, Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, Minnesota

Instructor, Greenwich House Pottery, New York, New York

Instructor, Appalachian Center for Crafts, Smithville, Tennessee

Instructor, Penland School of Crafts, Penland, North Carolina

Instructor, Peter's Valley Craft Center, Layton, New Jersey

Instructor, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine

Resident, Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Lecturer, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Instructor, Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

Instructor, Cleveland Art Institute, Cleveland, Ohio

Instructor, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado

Resident, Watershed Center for the Arts, North Edgecomb, Maine

Instructor, Penland School of Crafts, Penland, North Carolina

Resident, Watershed Center for the Arts, North Edgecomb, Maine

Instructor, Penland School of Crafts, Penland, North Carolina

Instructor, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine

Instructor, Asociación Venezolana De Las Artes Del Fuego, Caracas, Venezuela

Kiln designer, Instructor, Gleason Brook Pottery, Wiarton, Ontario

Kiln designer, Instructor, Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

“The Big Smoke 2011”, New Zealand National Ceramics Conference presenter, Auckland, New Zealand

McKnight Artists, Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Auckland Studio Potters, Auckland, New Zealand

Woodfire Symposium, Centre Ceramique Contemporaine, LaBorne, France

Ceramics Symposium presenter, Lawrence Arts Center, Lawrence, Kansas

Rochester Community and Technical College, Rochester, Minnesota

American Pottery Festival, Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

North Harris College, Houston, Texas

Sheridan School of Art, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

Utilitarian Clay V , conference presenter, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts,Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Trax Gallery, San Fransisco, California

Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota

Red Lodge Clay Center, Red Lodge, Montana

Seward Park Clay Center, Seattle, Washington

Red Star Studios, Kansas City, Missouri

The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, Maryland

The Craft Guild of Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Minnetonka Center for the Arts, Wayzata, Minnesota

Anoka Ramsey Community College, Coon Rapids, Minnesota

Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Craft Guild of Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

California University of Pennsylvania, California, Pennsylvania

Gundaroo Woodfire 2005, Australian National Woodfire Conference presenter,Gundaroo, Australia

Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, Massachusetts

Women's Studio Workshop, Rosendale, New York

Michigan Mud 2005, conference presenter, Albion College, Albion, Michigan

Ceramic Artists Association of Israel National Symposium, symposium presenter, Tel- Hai College, Israel

Coe College, "The Naked Truth", woodfire conference presenter, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove, Illinois

Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, Burnaby, British Columbia , Canada - wood firing workshop

Mount Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon

Canadian Clay Ceramic Symposium "Re-inventing the Wheel", presenter, Shadbolt

Center for the Arts, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Good Dirt, Athens, Georgia

Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Atlantic Pottery Supply, Jacksonville, Florida

Clay Art Center, Port Chester, New York

Terra Incognito, Oak Park, Illinois

Mount Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon

Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove, Illinois

Canton Clay Works, Canton, Connecticut

Taller de Ceramica Huara-Huara, Santiago, Chile

University of Manitoba, conference presenter, "2000 Miles Apart 2003", Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Peter's Valley, Layton, New Jersey

Carbondale Clay Center, Carbondale, Colorado

Winthrup University, Rock Hill,South Carolina

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio

Casper Community College, Casper, Wyoming

Gaston College, Gastonia, North Carolina

577 Foundation, Perryville, Ohio

University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, artist's panel

National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, conference presenter,
"Woodfired: An American Iconography", Kansas City, MO

Bunnell Street Gallery, Homer, Alaska

Craft Potters Association, London, England

University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Massachusetts

Mesa Art Center, Mesa Arizona

Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota

Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Millersville University, Millersville, Pennsylvania

Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

University of Tennessee, Louisville, Tennessee

Clay Factory, Tampa, Florida

Clay works, Durham, North Carolina

Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon

Choices, conference presenter and workshop, University of Pennsylvania and The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Lill Street, Chicago, Illinois

Moorhead State University, Moorhead, Minnesota

Utilitarian III, conference presenter, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts,Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Edinboro University, Edinboro, Pennsylvania

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Women's Studio Workshop, Rosendale, New York

Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Odyssey Center for the Ceramic Arts, Asheville, North Carolina

American Pottery Festival , Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hinckley Pottery, Washington, D.C.

Konsthantverks Ting 98, conference presenter, Ransater, Sweden

University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois

St. Louis Community College at Meremac, St. Louis, Missouri

University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin

University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska

Thunder Bay Potter's Guild, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

Salt Spring Island Potter's Guild, Ganges, British Columbia, Canada

Richmond Potter's Guild, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Arvada Center for the Arts, Arvada, Colorado

Minnesota Community College Arts Festival , presenter, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota

Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York

Nicolet College, Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Salt Spring Island Potter's Guild, Ganges, British Columbia, Canada

Duluth Art Institute, Duluth, Minnesota

Utilitarian Clay II, conference presenter, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Women in Clay, symposium presenter, Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Hands on Clay, Port Jefferson, New York

Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, Massachusetts

National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, conference presenter, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Long Island Potter's Guild, Hempstead, New York
92nd Street Y, New York, New York

Confluence, Continental Clay, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hartford School of Art, University of Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut

Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky

University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa

Vermont State Craft Center, Middlebury, Vermont

Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Edina Art Center, Edina, Minnesota

Carlton College, Northfield, Minnesota

El Camino Community College, Torrance, California

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois

Cambridge Area Potter's Guild, Cambridge, Wisconsin

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana

University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri

Cedar Creek Pottery, Cedarburg, Wisconsin

St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota

University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois

Montgomery College, Frederick, Maryland

Southwest Crafts Center, San Antonio, Texas

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, conference presenter, Kansas City, Missouri

Breck Academy, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Asociación Venezolana De Las Artes Del Fuego, Caracas, Venezuela

Art Center of Minnesota, Wayzata, Minnesota

Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, Minnesota

Alberta College of Art, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, Minnesota

Austin College, Sherman , Texas

University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota

Craft Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri

Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois

North St. Paul Public Schools, North St. Paul, Minnesota

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

North Branch Public Schools, North Branch, Minnesota

University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota

University of Wisconsin, Superior, Wisconsin

Community Classes: Lindstrom and North Branch, Minnesota

Community Classes: Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta

Nihon Mingeikan, The Japan Folk Crafts Museum, Tokyo, Japan

Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana

The American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, California

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Frederick Weisman Museum, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Glenboe Museum, Calgary, Alberta

Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Southwest State University, Marshall, Minnesota

Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Minnesota Historical Society

Shimpo America, Naperville, Illinois

Parks Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

East Central Arts Board, Mora, Minnesota

Margaret Harlow Collection, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota

Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Gulf Coast Kiln Walk Society, Navarre, Florida

"It's Only Clay", Bemidji Community Arts Center, Bemidji, Minnesota

"Strictly Functional Pottery National", Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

"Impressions in Clay", Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

McKnight Foundation Ceramic Fellowship

East Central Arts Council McKnight Foundation Fellowship

Minnesota State Arts Board Fellowship

McKnight Foundation Ceramic Fellowship

Metropolitan State University Faculty Grant

East Central Arts Council McKnight Foundation Fellowship

National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship

East Central Arts Council McKnight Foundation Fellowship

McKnight Foundation Visual Arts Fellowship

Minnesota State Arts Board Career Opportunity Grant

Purchase Award, S. I. U. E. Clay National

Purchase Award, Images '83

Purchase Award, Southwest State University

Parks Canada Grant "Art in the Parks"

Honorable Mention, Banff Centre School of Fine Arts

Eliza A. Drew Award for Ceramics, Hamline University

Artifakt Gallery. International Woodfired Tableware. Deloraine, Tasmania, Australia, 2011. page 4

Northern Clay Center. Five McKnight Artists, Northern Clay Center, 2011. pages 2, 3, 14

Rex Irwin Gallery. Tablewares: An International Collection. Sydney, Australia, 2009

Manchester Craftsmen's Guild. Ceramics Retrospective, Manchester Craftsmen's Guild, 2006. page 1

Taipei County Yingee Ceramics Museum, Diverse Domain-Contemporary North American Ceramic Art,2005. pages 46,47, 179

Coe College.The Naked Truth 2004 International Invitational Wood Fire Exhibition, 2004. pages 14 & 65

Walter, Josie. Cooking Pots, Slide Sets 2003, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England

Hunt, Bill. 21st Century Ceramics in the United States and Canada, The American Ceramic Society, 2003

Joerling, Nick. The Penland Book of Ceramics, Lark Books. 2003

Walter, Josie. Pots in the Kitchen, A and B, London, England, 2003. pages 39, 108, 121, 137, 140, 156

Glenn Nelson and Richard Burkett. Ceramics: A Potter's Handbook, Harcourt College Publishers, 2002. page 214

Mark Burleson. The Ceramic Glaze Handbook, Lark Books, 2001. page 109

Kevin Hluch. The Art of Contemporary American Pottery, Krause Publications, 2001. pages 30, 131,151

Northern Clay Center. Ten Years in Retrospect, Northern Clay Center, 2001 pages 48, 55

Coll Minogue and Robert Sanderson. Wood Fired Ceramics Contemporary Practices,
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. page 40

The Forum of Regional Arts Councils of Minnesota. Art at Work, 2000. page 7

Daniel Rhodes. Clay and Glazes for the Potter, Krause Publications, 2000

Clary Illian. A Potter's Workbook, The University of Iowa Press, 1999. page 94

The University of Iowa School of Art and Art History. Different Stokes International Woodfire Exhibition, 1999

Karen Ann Wood. Tableware in Clay, The Crowood Press, 1999. pages 128, 146, 149, 150, 182

Susan Peterson. Working With Clay, Prentice Hall, 1999. page 78

Michelle Coakes. Creative Pottery, Rockport Publishers, 1998. pages 84, 92-97, 106,108, 111, 120- 121, 138

Northern Clay Center. 1997 McKnight Artist Fellowships for Ceramic Artists,1998

The Society for Contemporary Crafts. Linda Christianson, Bridge IV,1996

Ohio University. Independent Makers: Recent Works by Ten Ceramic Artists, 1996

Jack Troy. Wood-Fired Stoneware and Porcelain, Chilton Book Company, 1995 pages 18, 136, plate 6

Hamline University. Hamline University Ceramics, 1995

Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Warren MacKenzie : Sphere of Influence,1994

Minneapolis College of Art and Design. 8 McKnight Artists, 1991

The University of Iowa Museum of Art. American Woodfire '91, 1991

Exposure, Ceramics Monthly, June/July/August 2011, page 20

Linda Christianson, “Hunting for Surface”, The Log Book, Issue 33, 2008, pages 3-13

Peter Klopfenstein, “Making Clay While the Sun Shines”, The Daily Iowan, February 29,
2008, page 6B

Linda Christianson, “The Practice of Reading”, The Studio Potter, V 35, N2, Summer/
Fall, 2007, pages 64-69

“International Clay”, Midwest Home, May, 2006, page 28

"Living Dishes: A New Generation of Functional Pots", Clay Times, Volume 12, Number 2, March/April, 2006, pages 7, 30-31

Poellot, Jennifer, "The Naked Truth: 2004 International Wood-Fire Conference", Ceramics Monthly, January, 2005, page 51

"Merging Methods: Science and the Artist's Process", Many Voices, University of St. Thomas, February - March, 2003, pages 4-5

Silberman, Rob, "On the St. Croix Pottery Trail", American Craft, April/May, 2003, pages 54 - 56

Lehman, Jean, "Through the Eyes of the Jurors", Clay Times, September/October, 2002, pages 17-19

"Investigations in Clay", University of Hartford Observer, Summer, 2002, page 4

Riddle, Mason, "St. Croix Valley Potters' 10th Annual Studio Tour", Ceramics Monthly, May, 2002

Tudball,Ruthanne. "Linda Christianson", CPA News,Number 82, March/April 2002. page 3

Linda Christianson."A Potter's Day", Ceramic Review, September/October 2001. page 66

Kucharski, Malcolm. "American Mingei SODA", Ceramic Art, Taipei, Taiwan, #31, Spring 2001. page 30

Unger, Nancy. "Hot pots at Montgomery College-Rockville invitational",Washington Gazette, March 1, 2000. page B-8.

Post, Lisa, "Utilitarian Cly III Symposium Insights". Clay Times, January/February 2001, pages 40-41

"In Celebration of Utilitarian Clay", Ceramics Monthly, January, 1997

Chalke, John. "Pots as Encounters", Contact, Spring, 1997

"Independent Makers", Ceramics Monthly, September, 1996

"Northern Stars", Ceramics Monthly, January, 1996

"NEA Crafts Fellowships", Ceramics Monthly, February, 1993

"Portfolio", Studio Potter, December, 1991

"Minnesota Invitational", Ceramics Monthly, February, 1983

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