
Artist: Maggie Jaszczak

Artist: Lorna Finlayson
Maggie Jaszczak, MINNESOTA
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Maggie Jaszczak grew up in Ontario, Canada, and completed her undergraduate studies in Ceramics in British Columbia and Alberta Canada. She has participated in residency programs at The Archie Bray Foundation for Ceramic Arts, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, and Medalta Pottery, and recently completed her Master of Fine Arts in Ceramics at The University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Her sculptural work uses simple and familiar materials - clay, iron, wood, leather, hair and bone, etc., to examine the impact of everyday objects in our lives.


2013 MFA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Ceramics

2008 BFA, Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, AB, Ceramics

2006 Three Year Diploma in Craft, Art and Design Specializing in

Ceramics, Kootenay School of the Arts at Selkirk College, Nelson, BC,

1999 BA, Concordia University, Montreal, PQ, Comparative Religion



Current Effects: Contemporary Ceramics in Western North Carolina,

Asheville Area Arts Council, Asheville, NC

Maggie Finlayson and Tom Jaszczak, Greenwich House Pottery, New York

City, NY

Americano Invitational, AKAR, Iowa City, IA

Utilitarian Clay VII (Invited Artist), Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts,

Gatlinburg, TN

Boundary Lines, Trax Gallery, Berkeley, CA

Penland Clay: Shaping North Carolina Ceramics, North Carolina Pottery

Center, Seagrove, NC

Cannon River Clay Tour, Northfield, MN

Yunomi Invitational, AKAR, Iowa City, IA

Functional Ceramics, Artisan Gallery, Paoli, WI

Lines, AKAR, Iowa City, IA


Residency, FAB Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Simple Cup Show 2015, Kobo Gallery, Seattle, WA

The Barns: Resident Exhibition, Penland School of Craft, Penland, NC

12 th Annual Ceramics Invitational, Artisan Gallery, Paoli, WI

From the Belly of the Archie Bray, AKAR, Iowa City, IA

Hope, Terror, Promise, Rage: Contemporary Perspectives on the Past, Old

Montana State Prison, Deer Lodge, MT

Anniversary Exhibition, Turman Larison Contemporary, Helena, MT

Chris Riccardo and Friends, The Art Spirit Gallery, Coeur d’Alene, ID

Maggie Finlayson and Jerry Iverson, Turman Larison Contemporary, Helena,



The Archie Bray in Spokane, Kolva-Sullivan Gallery, Spokane, WA

Resident Artist Exhibition, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT

Resident Artist Exhibition, Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, FL

Faculty Exhibition, Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, FL


MFA Thesis Exhibition, Katherine E. Nash Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

University of Minnesota Awards and Scholarship Exhibition, Quarter

Gallery, Minneapolis, MN


Resident Artist Exhibition, Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts,

Helena, MT

C-Scapes, Quarter Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


Then and Again, Faculty with selected former student, Marion Art Gallery,

SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY


U/Ceramics, Graduate and Faculty Exhibition, Quarter Gallery, Minneapolis, MN


Service: Dinner for Strangers, Bilton Contemporary Art, Red Deer, AB

Resident Artist/Faculty Exhibition, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass

Village, CO  

KSA Out There, 12-Person Faculty and Alumni Exhibition, Gallery of BC

Ceramics, Vancouver, BC  

Coming Up Next: Exhibition of Emerging Artists, Discovery Gallery, Alberta

Craft Council, Edmonton, AB  

ACAD Grad Show, Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art + Design,

Calgary, AB

Clay Dynamics, Medicine Hat Public Library, Medicine Hat, AB

distill cup 2007, distill gallery, Toronto, ON   

Craft Year 2007: Base Elements, Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary, AB


Touchstones Nelson Inaugural Exhibition, Nelson Archives and Art Gallery,

Nelson, BC 

am was, Langham Gallery, Kaslo, BC   

Beyond Borders International College Art Competition, VU Gallery,

Bellingham, WA

Springboard: Kootenay School of the Arts Graduating Show, Kootenay

Gallery, Castlegar, BC

International Orton Cone Box Show, NCECA, Portland OR, traveled to Baker

University, Baldwin City, KA

Niche Awards, student finalist, Philadelphia Buyers Market, Philadelphia, PA


2016 Workshop Instructor with Tom Jaszczak, Greenwich House Pottery,

New York City, NY

Workshop Instructor with Tom Jaszczak

Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA

College of Marin, Kentfield, CA

Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA


Instructor, Ceramics and Sculpture, Armory Art Center, West Palm

Beach, FL

2013 Instructor of Record, ARTS 1801 Introduction to Ceramics, University of

Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

2012 Instructor of Record, ARTS 3490 The Ceramic Surface, University of

Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 

Graduate Teaching Assistant, ARTS 1801 Introduction to Ceramics and

ARTS 3802 Advanced Hand-building, University of Minnesota,

Minneapolis MN

2011 Instructor of Record, ARTS 1801 Introduction to Ceramics (Summer and

Fall Sessions), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Graduate Teaching Assistant, ARTS 1801 Introduction to Ceramics and

ARTS 3801 Advanced Throwing, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN

2010 GraduateTeaching Assistant, ARTS 1801 Introduction to Ceramics,

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


Instructor, Ceramics and Visual Arts, Wildflower Arts Center, Calgary, AB


Current (2015-18)

Resident Artist, Penland School of Craft, Penland NC

2016 Resident Artist, Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan

2015 (Summer)

Interim Gallery Manager, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT


Gallery Assistant, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT

2014 Summer Resident, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT


Resident Artist, Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, FL

2013 Summer Resident, Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, FL  

2012 Summer Resident, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT

2010 Technical Assistant to Kristen Morgin, Haystack Mountain School of

Craft, Deer Isle, ME

2008 Resident Artist, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass Village, CO

2007 Hand-made in the 21st Century, two week workshop with Ayumi Horie,

Haystack Mountain School of Craft, Deer Isle, ME   

Resident Artist, Medalta Potteries, Medicine Hat, AB


Assistant Coordinator, Marion Nicoll Gallery, Alberta College of Art +

Design, Calgary, AB


2014 Windgate Scholarship, Archie Bray Foundation

2013 Beds to Bowls Fellowship, Armory Art Center

2012 Graduate Research Partnership Program Fellowship, University of


Joel and Aja Ceramics Fellowship, University of Minnesota

Windgate Scholarship, Archie Bray Foundation

2008 Board of Governors’ Award, Alberta College of Art +Design

2007 British Columbia Arts Council Scholarship (Senior Award), British

Columbia Arts Council 

Illingworth Kerr Travel/Study Scholarship, Alberta College of Art +


Dr. Frederick G. Pedlar Memorial Award, Alberta College of Art +


Dr. J.C. Sproule Memorial Scholarship, Alberta College of Art +


2006 ACAD Advanced Standing Entrance Scholarship, Alberta College of

Art + Design, Ceramics Program

Niche Student Awards Finalist, Niche Magazine

2004 British Columbia Arts Council Scholarship (Junior Award), British

Columbia Arts Council


‘MFA Factor’, Ceramics Monthly, Oct 2011

Surface Design for Ceramics, Lark Books, July 2008

Ornamentvm Magazine, Spring 2008

Niche Magazine, Spring 2006

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